Leaflet is a powerful Javascript library for interactive maps. I’ve wanted to have a go at using Leaflet for a while, but learning Javascript for just one library seemed over the top. Thankfully I’ve recently found Folium – a python package that makes it easy to produce a Python Leaflet map.
A Simple Python Leaflet Map
Here’s a simple example of the kind of map that is possible in Leaflet (taken from a post of mine). This example has a base layer of an OpenStreetMap map centred on Colchester in the UK. Overlaid on the map are some markers, which when you click on them reveal a label indicating the location of the marker (in this case public toilets).
Find out more about this map, and download the python code here.
How to Install Folium
For a full install guide visit the Folium docs, but to get you going you can just run
$ pip install folium
Creating a map is then simple:
import folium map_osm = folium.Map(location=[45.5236, -122.6750]) map_osm.save('london.html')
which saves a map that looks a bit like this:
Visit the Folium Getting Started guide for more tips to get you going.
Folium Features
Visit the Folium pypi page for more about its features. You can also find a features library filled with examples here and here.
Folium is still very much under development, so also check out the project’s github page for more updates and information.