Use this interactive map to find Colchester public toilets. There are some as far afield as Dedham and Mersea!
Colchester Public Toilets: Python Code
Data on the locations of the public toilets in Colchester from Colchester Borough Council.
This map was produced using the Folium python package. The code is available below, or you can download it here.
import os import folium import pandas as pd from bng_to_latlon import OSGB36toWGS84 # Load map centred on Colchester uk = folium.Map(location=[51.5069439,-0.1510636], zoom_start=10) # Load locally stored colchester public toilets data toilets = pd.read_csv("public-toilets.csv") #add a marker for each toilet for each in toilets.iterrows(): print(list([each[1].GeoY,each[1].GeoX])) print(list(OSGB36toWGS84(each[1]['GeoX'],each[1]['GeoY']))) folium.Marker(list(OSGB36toWGS84(each[1]['GeoX'],each[1]['GeoY'])), popup=each[1]['StreetAddress']).add_to(uk) # Save map"./colch_toilets.html")