How to use OOMMF Oxs_PeriodicRectangularMesh

By | October 16, 2014

How to use the OOMMF periodic mesh

Using the OOMMF periodic mesh (version 1.2a5) is very straightforward.

You can simply replace your exising Oxs_RectangularMesh:

Specify Oxs_RectangularMesh:mesh {
cellsize {4e-9 4e-9 4e-9}
atlas :atlas

With Oxs_PeriodicRectangularMesh, like so:

Specify Oxs_PeriodicRectangularMesh:mesh {
cellsize {4e-9 4e-9 4e-9}
atlas :atlas
periodic x

where the additional line

periodic x

simply specifies along which direction the periodicity is (in this case x).

If you like this, check out my OOMMF Tutorial.

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