Useful software

By | May 8, 2014

Just a list of software I find useful.


notepad2-mod: Replaces notepad in windows. Comes with syntax highlighting options for many popular languages.

Edit the config file to have CTRL-F5 insert date/time. Useful for keeping a diary.

Image Processing

ImageMagick: great for batch processing image files. I also use the inclued ffmpeg to generate videos from collections of bitmaps.

Fiji – It’s just imageJ, but with a load of plugins pre-installed. Very useful for analysis of images.

Gwyddion – Excellent program for analysis of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) images.

Paint.NET – Alternative to Photoshop. I find it a little easier to use than GIMP.


Launchy: Quick access to the programs on your computer. Saves having to hunt around in the start menu.

Everything: Quickly find files on your computer. I find these days that windows find is working ok, but the indexed searching of Everything is really quick.

winscp: Securely access files on a remote computer via ssh. See post on ssh.

Pendrivelinux – Allows you to easily install Linux boot/live CDs/DVDs with a USB drive. Saves on needing to actually burn theimage to a disk.


2 thoughts on “Useful software

  1. Ron Starc

    FTP Manager Lite is one of the best free FTP client software. The clean interface is super easy to use. It will perform your files transfers quickly and efficiently. It also supports FXP for superfast server to server transfers. It is perfect for backups or synchronizing servers.

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