How to Increase OOMMF Iteration Limit
I’ve recently had to increase OOMMF iteration limit. This little guide shows the simple steps I took.
I was having trouble saving the output from more than 1e7 iterations. The simulation would run, but the vector files would not be saved. I found I could get around this problem by modifying a line in the file /oommf/app/oxs/base/output.tcl
There are two lines which set the format of the output file names:
# Formats for embedding into filenames
public variable iter_fmt = "%07d"
public variable stage_fmt = "%02d"
If you find that you are reaching the maximum number of iterations (or stages) that can be saved, then you can simply modify this line:
# Formats for embedding into filenames
public variable iter_fmt = "%012d"
public variable stage_fmt = "%02d"
Which will allow the vector files from more iterations to be saved.