Anaconda whl Install
The whl format is a special zip format for Python packages. These are Anaconda whl install instructions.
Here’s how to install a whl package in the Anaconda Python distribution from Continuum Analytics.
Download the ‘wheel’
Find and download your whl file. In this example I’m going to be installing the ‘Shapely’ geometry package, available from here:
You’ll want to pick the right version of Python – you probably want version 2.7, but check your Anaconda distribution. You’ll also need to pick between 32- or 64-bit.
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Install With Pip
Anaconda prefers to use its own ‘conda‘ package manager, but it’s also possible to install packages using pip – the PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages. See a comparison of the package managers here.
Once you’ve downloaded the correct wheel file, open up the ‘Anaconda Command Prompt‘ and navigate to the folder containing the downloaded wheel.
To install this Shapely whl file I run:
$ pip install Shapely‑1.5.5‑cp27‑none‑win32.whl
which will install the Shapely package to somewhere like:
To check which packages you have already installed (with pip), run
$ pip list
$ pip freeze
Thanks! This was very useful.